The regular issue of Scuba Diver / Scuba Diver Australia and New Zealand / Scuba Diver Destinations has been replaced with a special edition – the Ultimate Divers Guide – which showcases a variety of destinations, dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the globe.
Inside, you'll find some great advice about seasons, topside attractions and, of course, the diving. To make the issue easier to navigate, we have divided the magazine into five main sections – the Caribbean; the Middle East; the Indian Ocean; Southeast Asia; and Micronesia and the Pacific Ocean.
To further assist the rusty traveller, we have included an article on packing your precious dive kit, and some hints and advice on what to expect from your first time on a liveaboard. Plus, we take a look at the world of technical diving and ask ‘is it for you?'.
In addition to all the excellent destination content, we also have a fantastic article with some stunning images focusing on the Great Barrier Reef.
Next issue, we will resume with our usual format, including industry news, equipment reviews, plenty of destination features and the return of our regular columns. Keep the link to the Ultimate Divers Guide handy, though, and we hope it will provide plenty of inspiration for your next dive adventure in the months to come.