Only 32 Sleeps to go until the First Australian Dive Event in 3 Years – OZDive is back
Oct 1-2, 2022 at the MCEC Melbourne
It’ll be here FAST … the first Australian Dive Event in 3 years!!! Unbelievable.
And the line up is impressive; both for speakers in the OZTek Advanced Conference, as well as the workshops, exhibitors and specialists at the OZDIve Show.
A truly unique event, destined specifically for divers of ANY level (even those who are ‘thinking about it!)
The 2022 Presenters – and their incredible topics can be found Here:
( More topic details listed on their individual bio pages.
OZTek introduces two new speaker additions: Bobby Chacon, FBI Dive Team Founder will be doing two talks. First: About the creation of this (not-well-known) specialised unit, why it is necessary, the training required for the FBI Diving agents, the technology they use etc. It’s a fascinating look into this little known world and the first timeChacon has ever spoken to a dive forum.
His second talk is about the actual real life Crime scenes they have had to navigate, including notable dive operations such as the TWA Flight 800 (1996), Space Shuttle Colombia (2003), Laci Peterson (2003) and the Minneapolis Bridge collapse (2007).
Another new face is Richard Fitzpatrick ACS – an Emmy awarded cinematographer and Research Fellow at James Cook University specialising in sharks. Richard, a rebreather convert, will be providing equipment and stories behind the lens whilst filming for Attenborough, Nat Geo and Discovery specials – including his numerous visits to the ER Department! Richard’s second topic is about his shark tagging and mapping research, including a scientific response to shark bites!
The 2022 OZTek Conference Schedule is being released on Sept 1 – remember to check the website for details
Grab your tickets fast:
OZDive Show -showcasing new equipment, new technologies, new destinations, Travel, training, photography, apparel, and some extra special events you might not expect.
Avatar / Bauer compressors / Divesoft / Fourth Element / First Stage / Halcyon Australia / Poseidon / Ursuit / Santi Drysuits / Scubapro Australia / Shearwater Research / TECLINE / TUSA / Waterproof wet & drysuits / Dive 1st Aid / Benni Marine Designs / Seacraft Scooters / TecDiveGear / Aquatic Imaging Australia / Isotta / GoPro / Backscatter / Aquatech / Cinebags / Ikelite / Kraken / Weefine / Light & Motion / Sea & Sea / Dive Lantern / Mike Ball, Spirit of Freedom, Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions or further afield like Tourism Fiji, El Galleon, Papua New Guinea Dive, Philippines Tourism, Sea Safari, Volivoli Beach Resort, Thalassa Dive Resorts, El Galleon Dive Resort, Aqua-Venture & Wakatobi. Travel wholesalers include Allways Dive Expeditions, Dive Adventures & Diveplanit
Adelaide Scuba | Bay City Scuba | Deep Blue Ventures | Ocean Divers | Scuba Culture | Snorkel & Dive Safari Altona Beach | Total Immersion Diving | Scubabo Dive Victoria | Red Boats, CDAA, ERDI, PADI, PFI, RAID SDI, TDI, The Human Diver, The Historical Diving Society, Prescription Dive & more..
For all exhibitors check:
Photography workshops (free with General OZDive Show entry ticket)
- Vanessa Torres-Macho – teaching Freediving Photography tips & tricks
- Matty Smith – UK Photographer of the Year, Matty will be providing insights into his specialty of over/under photography
- Matt Krumins – photo workshop with a particular emphasis on black & white photography
- Pete Mesley – NZ wreck and big animal photographer – Pete’s workshop will be on getting your lighting right underwater
Watch the websites for workshop events to register –
So much diving – under one roof!
This is an Australian Dive Show: Recreational, Advanced, Free or those Getting Started.
Want to hear more? Listen to Sue Crowe on the ScubaGoat Podcast ( )
Further information, subscribe to our newsletter or tune in to the OZDive Podcast for up-to-date announcements on tickets, competitions, speakers and workshops.
The OZDive Show & OZTek Advanced Diving Conference '22 will be held at the Melbourne Conference & Exhibition Centre (Jeff's Shed) on October 1/2, 2022.
The very start of the Australian diving season.
Get ready for action…
Websites: & or Facebook / Instagram & Twitter