SDI instructors have been offering their services to train up divers free of charge to aid with Sea Shepherd UK's Ghostnet campaign.
In early July, the team spent a weekend lifting discarded fishing gear from the seabed – and freeing countless wildlife from entrapment.
The two RIBs were that loaded to the gunnels with lobster and crab pots that one of the tubes was burst! Thankfully, everyone made it back to shore safely.
To support the campaign – and the repair of the boat – you can go to the Sea Shepherd website.
Special thanks go to the following for making this such a superb weekend:
Our volunteer boat crew, divers and Nathan our photographer who rarely appears in front of the lens.
Adam and the team at Hornsea Boat Launch
Village Hotels for giving us discounted hotel rooms for our volunteers
East Riding of Yorkshire Council for assisting with the disposal of nets and pots