Life Begins in the Ocean, Kohia & Zac with Lachie and Jayne
Giving a gift of the ocean to the next generation is more than just an ideology. It is also more than passing on the turbulence created by generations past. What it is about is simply making a start to give them the gift of knowledge and ability. To provide them an extremely rare opportunity to experience their first breath beneath the surface.
Kohia, 12 “When I went in and looked around it was like entering an amazing new underwater world that I didn’t realise existed so close to the seashore, there were beautiful plants growing on the net, like an underwater forest and schools of small fish swimming around us as well as a few lone medium fish, and I wonder how many more big fish would we have seen if we didn’t overfish?
During the snorkel I realised the gold flex on the seagrass and thought it was beautiful I never knew that sea grass would look like that underwater! I am usually a very anxious person and sometimes I even have trouble having a consistent swim at the beach because I am too scared to stay in the water (I often hop in and out constantly), but when I went out diving and snorkelling, I found it so peaceful and magical. I think if I could hop in and discover that beautiful world any one can. I hope we all try much harder to protect the ocean, because if we lost it, it would be a catastrophe.
” Zac, 16 “The diving experience opened a whole new world to me. Being able to dive down to the bottom and look at the amazing environment I couldn’t see from the surface. It was truly incredible to see the marine life around me, watching the various fish and string rays move past me. I think every kid should have the opportunity to go diving and see how different it looks from the bottom. And how cool and amazing the ocean can be.”
To start your dive journey visit RAID Dive Training in a class of its own. Aliquam is sponsored by Suunto Dive Computers, G Brothers Mercedes Benz, Prodive Dive Centre, Sharkskin thermal protection Zoom, and Scuba Diver Magazine.