Sharks get enough bad press as it is, with any attacks (fatal or otherwise, and still thankfully very rare in the big scale of things) being seized upon by the mainstream media. Now they are set to get a kicking thanks to yet another shark horror movie, 47 Meters Down, in which two young women are trapped in a cage on the seabed and menaced by hordes of sharks. First, last year’s The Shallows, now this!
Shot in the Dominican Republic, with some underwater scenes filmed in a tank right here in the UK, and featuring great white sharks as the villains of the piece, says it all about any element of realism in 47 Meters Down – and yes, read some of the story synopsis, and sure enough, they speak about a ‘dwindling supply of oxygen’…
Apparently it was released last year straight to DVD, but then was picked up for a cinema release and will be out next month.
Worse of all, it stars Matthew Modine in Quint mode. Matthew, Matthew, I know it is a paycheck, but what are you doing in this movie? Gone are the halcyon days of Memphis Belle and Full Metal Jacket…