To denote dangerous or unexplored territories on navigational charts in medieval times often included small illustrations of dragons, sea monsters and other mythological creatures. Wakatobi does have dragons, albeit they are quite small.
Divers who take a closer look at the reefs of Wakatobi might just run into what looks like a diminutive undersea dragon with jaws agape. In fact, they've found a ribbon eel. These skinny members of the moray family begin life as jet-black males, then turn a bright blue as they mature. Finding a ribbon eel in its terminal yellow phase is relatively rare, as this is a sign that they have made their final transition to a female.

These colorful “sea dragons” are just one of many unique creatures that can be found on the protected reefs surrounding Wakatobi Dive Resort and the regions visited by the resort’s dive liveaboard Pelagian.
Wakatobi Dive Resort, home to Indonesia’s Finest Coral Reefs
Wakatobi Dive Resort is situated in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, in the heart of the coral triangle. Known for its magnificent and highly protected coral reefs – from its famous House Reef and 42 plus surrounding named dive sites – this idyllic island paradise, located 750 km east Bali, is easily accessible through the resort’s private guest flight.
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