Why Raja Ampat is the Perfect Post-COVID 19 Destination
Papua Paradise Eco Resort have the answer for banishing the COVID 19 Blues. If you, like so many people, are planning your first post-Covid trip, you are going to want to look at Raja Ampat in West Papua. This is a dream destination for many travellers at the best of times. When travel restrictions finally lift, it will be even more exciting to have this bucket-list trip lined up. Let us walk you through why Raja Ampat is the perfect post-Covid destination.
Getting as far away as possible
Many of us have been isolated or at least staying close to home during this year. We’re definitely getting bored of living in such a small world when there is so much out there to see! A trip as far away from where you’ve been stuck as possible seems the only cure and Raja Ampat is about as remote as you get.
Papua Paradise Eco Resort is located on a small island called Birie around 120 minutes by boat from the port town of Sorong. This means a real travel adventure of at least 2 or 3 flights and a boat to get to your perfect hideawayfrom your everyday life.
Feel good again
Nature is good for your body and soul. It’s been a heavy year for a lot of people and we all need to restore our sense of happiness, health, and faith in the world. Nature is the ultimate healer and there is absolutely nowhere more naturally beautiful and alive than Raja Ampat.
From the crystal clear water and pristine coastlines, to the towering rock formations and rainforests, this area allows you to feel the majesty of our natural world. It also puts life into perspective when you can see the way nature thrives so beautifully in this region.
Thanks to its remote location and the eco-conscious nature of tourists that visit, Raja Ampat isn’t really negatively impacted by tourism. However, tourism and diving always has some form of impact on destinations. Without tourists the islands will have had time to recover from the affects of tourism while travel rescrictions have kept visitors away.
It may be that marine life will be even more thriving than usual and coral will be at its most vibrant. Birds and plants will have been untouched by trekking tours and sightseeing boats for a long period of time. This will probably be the longest stretch without any tourism for many years so you will be seeing the islands and their inhabitants in their purest form.
Just relax
Getting away from the news, social media and pressures of work is something we definitely all need. When travel restrictions lift, we will be free to step away from all of this and just relax.
Papua Paradise has some internet signal but we promise you won’t want to be online while you are there. Take a book, enjoy your private overwater deck, go to bed early, wake up for sunrise and just be for a while.
Heading back home after a trip to Raja Ampat you are sure to be sad but also revived and feeling uplifted as well. This is a place of such natural beauty, breathtaking biodiversity, and relaxation, it would be impossible not to leave with memories that will stay with you for a lifetime.
For all these reasons, Raja Ampat should be your number 1 destination when Covid-19 travel restrictions are finally lifted.
Photo Credit: Papua Paradise Eco Resort
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