This August, Roots Red Sea is hosting a family summer camp that aims to offer a daily programme of snorkelling and scuba diving for all ages, as well as a range of informative, educational and fun topside activities.
Red Sea Splash will run as one- or two-week programmes from 3 August and 17 August, and it is perfect for families who either all currently dive and want to get in the water together, or for those wanting to start exploring the watery realm. Email: for more information.
There are three age-specific clubs. The Splash Club is for under-eights, and while scuba diving can't be a part of this programme, there will be plenty of snorkelling and freediving.
The Explorer Club is for eight to 12 year olds, and in addition to the snorkelling and freediving elements from the Splash Club, there is also the opportunity to go scuba diving! Under-tens will complete a Bubblemaker, and then continue with daily SEAL Team missions, while those aged over ten will do a full Discover Scuba Diving experience. There is also the option of a full Junior Open Water Diver certification.
The Adventurer Club is aimed at qualified scuba divers regardless of age, and there will be two dives every day with the Open Ocean marine field station team, who will introduce participants to the Red Sea marine life, and conduct workshops on marine research. There is also the option of continuing your scuba education with the Roots instructional team.
During the day, families are welcome to take part in all activities together, or the kids can be left with the Red Sea Splash team while parents enjoy the resort's facilities or go diving themselves.
It is not all water-based, though. As well as the snorkelling, freediving and scuba diving, there will also be pool and field games, marine biology workshops, orienteering adventures, and arts and craft sessions.
There are also a few evening activities planned, including desert star gazing walk-and-talk, a city tour around El Quseir, and an open-air movie night.
The team at Roots Red Sea have established strong links with the local communities of Hamerwain and El Quseir, affording guests to have a true taste of the local culture, so Red Sea Splash will bring in the local children to join in the fun and games.
Accommodation ranges from Eco Huts, which can take up to four people; Deluxe Chalets, which are only suitable for two people; and Boutique Rooms, which can take up to five people. All accommodation is air-condition, and the latter two feature private bathrooms.
Prices range from £675-£925 per adult, and £425-£550 per child depending on accommodation level. Under-eights are free of charge.
All aboard Big Blue
The second week extension sees the Red Sea Splash action move from Roots Red Sea to the large liveaboard Big Blue for a marine biology expedition to the renowned Fury Shoals. Open Ocean biologists will be on the vessel to provide fascinating and entertaining facts about the marine life you will encounter, and also conduct workshops on marine life ID and survey methods.
This week is open to non-divers, snorkellers and scuba divers, as Fury Shoals is a stunning area which offers plenty of protection from inclement weather. Prices for the extension on Big Blue are £650 for adults and £350 for under-16s (this excludes on-board government fees of approx £100 per person).