Shark attack tragedy at Frazer Island
Over the weekend keen Spear fisher, Matthew Tratt died after been bitten by a shark off the coast of a popular holiday destination, Frazer Island. Mr Tratt was spearfishing with his brother when a shark bit his leg. Although medics were quickly on the scene Mr Tratt lost to much blood and died in his brother's arms.
Rob Tratt said no words could describe what it was like as his brother bled out, but knew Matt had no regrets about getting in the water.
“My brother, he died in my arms, doing his favourite passion – spearfishing. And I don't think I could've been with a better person”
It would appear that Matthew Tratt had a very philosophical way of looking at life, Just moments before venturing into the water a fisherman asked both he and his brother how they could get in the water knowing sharks frequented the area.
Rob Tratt Commented.
“My brother said … well we're big, they see us, and they typically just move along because there's smaller things that take their fancy,”
“The guy asked me, why do you get in there? And I said, ‘I just don't think about it.', if I thought about it, I'd probably just get too scared and not go in the water. It's just like anything, you get out there and have fun, the statistics are pretty small, the chances of getting taken, he's the first person to have diver fatality in 100 years on Fraser Island.”
“We entered those waters fully knowing the risks, it's just part of life, My mum asked us three weeks ago, she'd come round for dinner and she said ‘Why do you keep doing it with the sharks in the water?' and Matthew just said, ‘Look, I've taken plenty of fish from the sea, if a fish takes me, that's the circle of life'.”
Rob Tratt said his brother would have been against shark culling in response to the tragic accident.
Matthew Tratts wife Kayla said:
“Matt would not be angry at the shark and knows the risks,” We are very sad and will miss him so much, but knowing that he passed doing what he loved and at one of our favourite places gives me comfort. Spearing was his passion and he knew the risks of entering the water.”
Images courtesy of Facebook
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